Layout Options

  • Fixed Header
    Makes the header top fixed, always visible!
  • Fixed Sidebar
    Makes the sidebar left fixed, always visible!
  • Fixed Footer
    Makes the app footer bottom fixed, always visible!

Header Options

  • Choose Color Scheme

Sidebar Options

  • Choose Color Scheme

Main Content Options

  • Page Section Tabs
  • Light Color Schemes
Profile Boxes
These boxes are usually for dashboard elements centered around users and profiles.
  • John Doe
    43 Sales$156,24 Totals
  • Rosy O'Dowell
    12 Leads$56,24 Totals

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.

  • Example file 1
  • Example file 2
  • Example file 2
  • Example file 2
  • Example file 2
  • Example file 2
  • January Sales
    Lorem ipsum dolor
  • February Sales
    Maecenas tempus, tellus
  • March Sales
    Donec vitae sapien
    -54 $
  • April Sales
    Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies
    45 $
  • 764
    March Totals
    12 new leads,$56,24 in sales
  • March Totals
    12 new leads,$56,24 in sales

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Top Authors
  • Ella-Rose Henry
    Web Developer
    $ 129
  • Ruben Tillman
    UI Designer
    $ 54
  • Vinnie Wagstaff
    Java Programmer
    $ 431
  • Katerina Hutchings
    Group ArchitectUI
    $ 77
  • Harper Rose
    Markets Planner
    $ 32

Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus.

Since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.

Servers Status

Server Load 1

Server Load 2

Server Load 3

Live Statistics

File Transfers

  • TPSReport.docx
  • Annual Revenue.pdf
  • Analytics_GrowthReport.xls

Tasks in Progress

  • Wash the car
    Written by Bob
  • Task with hover dropdown menu
    By Johnny
  • Badge on the right task
    This task has show on hover actions!
    Latest Task
  • Go grocery shopping
    A short description ...
  • Development Task
    Finish React ToDo List App

Urgent Notifications

All Hands Meeting

Yet another one, at 15:00 PM

Build the production release

Something not important

This dot has an info state